A Lay Person's Intro to ONTARIO Legal Information Sources and Lawyers' Web Sites
Legislative Assembly of ONTARIO
- Legislative Assembly of Ontario home page
- Hansard
"Links to current and archived Debates of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario and information about the Hansard Reporting and Interpretation Services"[040302] [www.ontla.on.ca/ web/ house-proceedings/house_current.do?locale=en]
The Ontario Gazette On Line available in English and French.
Publications on Ontario Laws
"Welcome to e-Laws ... your access to the laws of Ontario.
Our goal is to make source law available within two business days of a change in the law and to provide consolidated law up to date within ten business days of a change in the law.
You can Search all laws. " [quote 04.03.02 fr. website]
"The administration of justice in the province of Ontario falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Attorney General. For general information on issues relating to the administration of justice such as court forms and procedures, court hours, and court filing matters, please consult the Ministry of Attorney General web site
Ontario Courts: Court of Appeal | Superior Court | Family Court | Criminal Matters
Official Government Guide to Ontario Courts
[in English and French]
Court Addresses
"A collection of Superior Court of Justice judgments are published on CanLII (www.canlii.org). The official version of the reasons for judgment is the signed original in the court file. In the event that there is a question about the content of a judgment, the original in the court file takes precedence. These judgments may undergo editing changes after they have been released.
Copies of Superior Court judgments can be obtained by contacting the respective registry. A photocopy charge is payable.
The Superior Court judgments are also available on a number of subscription based services such as Quicklaw and eCarswell." [quote fr website 2004/01/01]
"Family Court Locations
The Family Court of the Superior Court of Justice (sometimes referred to as the Unified Family Court) is located in 17 communities across the province. "
Locations include:
County of Simcoe;
Regional Municipality of Durham;
City of Ottawa;
Brockville; Lindsay; Perth;
Cobourg; London; Peterborough;
Cornwall; Napanee; St. Catharines;
Hamilton; Newmarket
"The Family Court is the only court in Ontario that can hear all family law cases, including cases involving:
- divorce;
- child support;
- spousal support;
- custody of, and access to, children;
- division of family property;
- possession of the family home;
- trust claims and claims for unjust enrichment;
- adoption; and
- child protection
The Criminal Appeal Process in Ontario - Information for Victims of Crime
www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/ about/pubs/criminal_appeal.asp
[site citation 2015.01.25 ]
Legal Representation & Legal Aid in Ontario
- Legal Aid Society of Ontario
"Legal Aid is available to low income individuals and disadvantaged
communities for a variety of legal problems, including criminal matters, family disputes, immigration and refugee hearings and poverty law issues
such as landlord/tenant disputes, disability support and family benefits payments." [website 040302]
The Law Society of Upper Canada
General Inquiries
Toll-free: 1-800-668-7380
General line: 416-947-3300
Website: lsuc.on.ca
Address to Write
The Law Society of Upper Canada
Osgoode Hall,
130 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N6
Web site Disclaimer
This site was developed by a group of people who have served as "expert witnesses" and information
consultants for law firms in litigation involving personal injury cases, labor law, wills variation and breach of trust cases as well as class action suits.
It is our hope that you will find this site useful in your decision making as to consulting or selecting a lawyer or law firm for your needs.
This site is not endorsed by web sites to which it provides links to, unless otherwise noted, where a particular lawyer has volunteered to become a content contributor.

Ontario Women's Justice Network www.owjn.org
"Mandate: The goal of the Ontario Women's Justice Network (OWJN) is to promote an understanding
of the law with respect to the issue of violence against women and children.
We provide accessible legal information to women and their supporters in a manner that reflects the experiences and realities of women. We review and analyse written law (legislation) and case law (court decisions)." [quote from www.owjn.org 04.03.12]
TORONTO Canada Intellectual Property Lawyers Directory
OTTAWA Canada Intellectual Property Lawyers Directory
Public Legal Information from Legal Line®
"Legal Line® provides free legal information through telephone and Internet systems. All Ontario residents now have direct access to the laws under which they are governed."
Legal Information Ontario (L.I.O.) is a non-profit organization whose mission is:
to provide Ontario residents with easy to understand legal information through Legal Line®, a 24 hour touch tone telephone service and through Legal Line On Line® a comprehensive Internet website; and
to provide Ontario residents with sufficient legal information to know when the assistance of a lawyer is advisable, and to direct them to the Ontario Bar and other appropriate resources for further assistance.
Through these services, Ontario residents will have access to the laws under which they are governed, helping them to make informed decisions.
Features of the Legal Line Services
- 870 Topics / 28 Areas of Law
870 legal issues are covered in a simple question/answer and problem/solution format. Both the telephone system and the website allow users to quickly find the information sought. Every major area of law is covered in detail.
- 1.10 Million Free Guides - A minimum of 1.10 million annual Legal Line Guides are printed and distributed across Ontario each year, commencing January 2000. It is anticipated that, with the assistance of Canada Post, 3.5 million year 2001 Guides will be distributed door-to-door to every home and business in Ontario.
- Legal Line Telephone System - Capacity to Handle High Call Volumes
Legal Line uses a customized AudioText system capable of handling unlimited call volumes.
The system is adjusted as necessary to ensure at least a 98% first call success rate.
- Instant Access to All Topics - The AudioText system allows callers instant access to all topics and sub-topics during the same call.
Legal Line Website Features
- Legal Line On Line: www.LegalLine.ca
- This site is based on a text format of the same information available on the Legal Line telephone system. The consistent navigation bar allows easy access from topic to topic. This site also includes a comprehensive list of resources, links to relevant government and agency sites, a keyword search feature for legal topics, and 2 database directories: one of lawyers and one of other professionals. The directories can be searched using any combination of the following criteria: name of firm (organization), name of individual, geographic region, area of practice or type of business (profession).
Summary - during the last decade, there have been tremendous changes to the demands placed on public services and the government. The public requires more legal information and assistance while budgetary cuts have substantially reduced the quantity and quality of programs available. By bridging the information gap, LIO will increase understanding of the law and help to explain the role of lawyers.
Legal Information Ontario
45 St. Clair Avenue East
Suite 901
Toronto, ON M4V 1K9
Phone: (416) 929-6011
E-mail: info@LegalLine.ca
above info quoted from website www.legalline.ca 2004/03/01
Lawyers Referral Services & Directories of Experienced Law Firms
- see Legal Line Services above
Bruce W. Lemer, barrister & solicitor, Vancouver, BC
Bruce Lemer was called to the bar in 1982.
He was plaintiff's co-counsel in Endean vs. Canadian Red Cross and others, ... a class action on behalf of individuals infected with hepatitis C through blood transfusions, which resulted in the largest class action settlement in Canadian history.
He has extensive experience in complex litigation, having acted for numerous individuals in products liability and professional negligence claims against governments, blood products manufacturers and the Canadian Red Cross for infection with HIV and hepatitis C through blood transfusions and blood products.
He has successfully represented plaintiffs in negligence claims against stockbrokers and
brokerage firms, physicians and highway maintenance bodies (for accidents caused by inadequate winter maintenance procedures).
He has appeared on numerous occasions in the British Columbia Supreme Court, the BC Court of Appeal, and courts in Alberta and Ontario.
In 2003-2004 he is plaintiffs' counsel in:
a proposed class action against brokerage firms with respect to allegedly improper charges made to clients for currency exchange transactions;
a proposed class action against a drug manufacturer with respect to allegedly inappropriate actions taken to raise the price of a drug;
a proposed class action against a individuals and a financial institution for involvement in an alleged scheme to defraud hundreds of investors in real estate developments.
Mr. Lemer has also successfully represented plaintiffs and defendants in a wide range of personal injury cases, including those dealing with quadriplegia, brain injuries, serious orthopedic injuries and death claims.
Publications and Articles by Mr. Lemer include:
- He is the yearly update author of the chapter on I.C.B.C. (Insurance Corp. of BC) no-fault benefits in the Motor Vehicle Claims Manual ( a publication of the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC, 1999-2003 )
- Strict Products Liability: The problem of improperly designed products ( Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 1982 )
- Dealing With Claimants and Insureds ( in Insurance Law, CLE, 1989 )
- Practice Points for a Personal Injury Discovery ( in Personal Injury Trials: Techniques and Tactics, CLE, 1989 )
- Pollution Coverage Under C.G.L. and Automobile Policies ( in Pollution and Contamination Insurance Claims, CLE, 1990 )
540 - 220 Cambie St.
Vancouver, BC
Phone: 604.642.6363
Website: www.BruceLemer.com
See also: brucelemer.com/icbc-motor-vechicle-accidents
See also: http://www.brucelemer.com/class-actions
See also:
Lawyers-bc.com profile: BC Class Actions Lawyers