Alberta Provincial Laws & Information Services
A Lay Person's Intro to Alberta Legal Information Sources and Lawyers' Web Sites
Legislative Assembly of Alberta
Assembly Documents and Records
- Alberta Hansard
[ with Subject and Speaker Indexes ]
[ see also All about Hansard
"the official report of the debates of a Legislature or a Parliament and its committees" ]
- House Records
[ including Order Papers | Votes & Proceedings | Required Tablings | Sessional Papers | Government Motions | Private Member's Motions | Written Motions ...]
- Committees of the Legislative Assembly
[ includes Subject & Speaker Indexes of transcripts of committee meetings ]
The Alberta Gazette
The Alberta Gazette is the "official newspaper" of the Government of Alberta.
It consists of two parts, Part I and Part II, and is published every two weeks by Alberta
Queen's Printer. The Gazette includes new and amending Regulations [emphasis added], assorted government notices, as well as private sector public notices that are required by Statute to be published so as to inform the public.
The Alberta Gazette is provided online in both Adobe PDF and text formats
(PDF files range in size from 8 KB to 1313 KB). " [quote 04.03.01 fr. ]
Queens Printer Information & Publications on Alberta Laws
"Alberta Queen's Printer publishes, distributes and sells Alberta's laws,
select federal publications and codes, department publications and specialty items
featuring the Province of Alberta
" [quote 04.03.01 ]
Alberta Tribunal Decisions
- Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission
1997-present summaries and full text of decisions; see also legislation; publications etc.
- Alberta Labour Relations Board
see recent decisions of the LRB | LRB Rules of Prcedure | Publications
Legal Representation & Legal Aid in Alberta
- Legal Aid Alberta
Legal Aid Alberta provides quality, effective legal advice and representation that enables eligible Albertans to resolve their legal issues. Eligibility guidelines are on its web site.
It is an independent, publicly funded, not-for-profit organization that provides a broad range of services in:
· family law and child welfare,
· adult criminal law,
· youth criminal law,
· immigration and refugee law and
· some civil legal areas.
- Calgary Legal Guidance
"provides free legal advice for individuals with low income. If you need legal information and advice on:
- Family issues such as: separation/divorce, custody and access, child support, etc;
- Criminal issues such as: theft, mischief, fraud, non domestic assault, solicitation etc;
- Civil issues such as: small claims, debt, landlord/tenant, employment etc;
- Orders of Protection such as: Restraining Order, Emergency Protection Orders etc;
- Social Benefit issues such as: supports for independents, assured income for the severely handicapped, employment insurance, Canada Pension Plan etc;
- or other legal matters
... but you cannot afford a lawyer and you don't qualify for Legal Aid,
CALGARY LEGAL GUIDANCE can help." [emphasis added]
[quote website
Update 2015.12.05:
- Student Legal Services of Edmonton
"a non-profit charitable organization of approximately 300 volunteer law students
that provide year-round free legal services to those individuals who are unable to afford a lawyer."
Government and Courts Information Listings
Alberta Legislative Assembly
Province of Alberta
Alberta Courts
Web site Disclaimer
This site was developed by a group of people who have served as "expert witnesses" and information consultants for law firms in litigation involving personal injury cases, labor law, wills variation and breach of trust cases as well as class action suits.
It is our hope that you will find this site useful in your decision making as to consulting or selecting a lawyer or law firm for your needs.
This site is not endorsed by web sites to which it provides links to, unless otherwise noted, where a particular lawyer has volunteered to become a content contributor.
Public Legal Information from Alberta Law Society Libraries
Our law libraries located in nine cities and towns throughout Alberta provide access to legal information for the general public [emphasis added].
You may access our libraries' collections and services in person, by telephone, facsimile or e-mail. Our library locations, telephone numbers, facsimile numbers and hours of service can be found under Library Locations on this website. You may also request assistance by e-mail by completing the Ask a Librarian Form on our website. If we cannot provide the assistance or information you require, we will make every effort to refer you to the appropriate agency or service." [quote 04.03/01 link 08.04.01]
Volunteer Lawyers Service (VLS) Program for Non-Partisan Charitable Organizations
"... pro bono legal services for over ten years. assist not for profit
groups throughout Alberta. The legal services our volunteers provide to these organizations increases access to justice and legal aid that would otherwise be unavailable because of a lack of financial resources."
click to see reprint pdf doc from CBA-AB Branch Publication Law Matters on Caring For Our Communities! ..."
The Volunteer Lawyers Service is Sponsored by: United Way of Calgary and Area, Canadian Bar Association Alberta, The Law Society of Alberta, and The Association of General Counsel of Alberta
Alberta Dial-a-Law Telephone Information Service
Operated by Calgary Legal Guidance
in part funded by Alberta Law FoundationS
Phone: 1-800-332-1091 (toll free in Alberta)
Phone: 403-234-9022 (in Calgary)
- A telephone service of over 170 tapes providing practical legal information.
- A service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week from a touch- tone phone.
- Operator assisted (in English only) 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
How Does Dial-A-Law Work?
- A recorded voice will give you instructions on how to access your selection.
- Crisis tapes 901 to 912 allow you to find the number of the nearest emergency help.
- Recordings 950 to 959 are in Polish, Spanish, Punjabi, Vietnamese and Cantonese.
[above info originally quoted from website 04.03/01 n.b. emphasis added] but our 2008.07.01 update indicates that the primary web site is from the Calgary Legal Guidance: Access to Justice offices
100, 840 - 7th Avenue S.W,
Calgary AB T2P 3G2
Adjacent to the Sandman Hotel and downtown LRT
phone: 403 234 9266 web
Other Useful Alberta Legal Information Web Resources
Access to Justice
Lawyers Referral Services & Directories of Experienced Law Firms
- Lawyers dealing with traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputations, chronic pain... from car-motor vehicle accidents
- Edmonton Law Firms & Lawyers listings in intro. to Edmonton
- Reference article: Class Actions in BC a lay persons introduction to what is a class action suit and how to select a lawyer or become a member of the class
- Vancouver BC Class Action & Health Law Lawyers listings
- Exemplar profile of lawyer acting as co-counsel in Canada's largest
class action settlement in 2000
- see also on-line copy of BC Class Actions Legislation-Act
Class Proceeding Act RSBC 1996 from
Copyright © 2003: Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Bruce W. Lemer, barrister & solicitor, Vancouver, BC
Bruce Lemer was called to the bar in 1982.
He was plaintiff's co-counsel in Endean vs. Canadian Red Cross and others,
... a class action on behalf of individuals infected with hepatitis C through blood transfusions, which resulted in the largest class action settlement in Canadian history.
He has extensive experience in complex litigation, having acted for numerous individuals in products liability and professional negligence claims against governments, blood products manufacturers and the Canadian Red Cross for infection with HIV and hepatitis C through blood transfusions and blood products.
He has successfully represented plaintiffs in negligence claims against stockbrokers and
brokerage firms, physicians and highway maintenance bodies (for accidents caused by inadequate winter maintenance procedures).
He has appeared on numerous occasions in the British Columbia Supreme Court, the BC Court of Appeal,
and courts in Alberta and Ontario.
In 2003-2004 he is plaintiffs' counsel in:
a proposed class action against brokerage firms with respect to allegedly improper charges made to clients for currency exchange transactions;
a proposed class action against a drug manufacturer with respect to allegedly inappropriate actions taken to raise the price of a drug;
a proposed class action against a individuals and a financial institution for involvement in an alleged scheme to defraud hundreds of investors in real estate developments.
Mr. Lemer has also successfully represented plaintiffs and defendants in a wide range of
personal injury cases, including those dealing with quadriplegia, brain injuries, serious orthopedic
injuries and death claims.
Publications and Articles by Mr. Lemer include:
- He was the yearly update author of the chapter on I.C.B.C. (Insurance Corp. of BC) no-fault benefits
in the Motor Vehicle Claims Manual ( a publication of the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC, 1999-2003 )
- Strict Products Liability: The problem of improperly designed products ( Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 1982 )
- Dealing With Claimants and Insureds ( in Insurance Law, CLE, 1989 )
- Practice Points for a Personal Injury Discovery ( in Personal Injury Trials: Techniques and Tactics, CLE, 1989 )
- Pollution Coverage Under C.G.L. and Automobile Policies ( in Pollution and
Contamination Insurance Claims, CLE, 1990 )
540 - 220 Cambie St.
Vancouver, BC
Phone: 604.642.6363
See also:
See also:
See also: profile: BC Class Actions Lawyers
Law Schools in Canada - Sample
Courts and Legal Support Services