Manitoba section -  photos show Canada's Parliament buildings, legal reference libary books, courts and jail cells in Canada

Manitoba Provincial Laws & Information Services


A Lay Person's Introduction to Manitoba's Legal Information Sources and Lawyers' Web Sites

Legislative Assembly

  • Legislative Assembly of Manitoba home page
  • Hansard "Hansard is a daily transcript of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. It is generally available the second morning after each sitting day. You can also search Hansard by keyword. "[0403011]
  • Manitoba Gazette "The Manitoba Gazette is published weekly and consists of two parts. Part I contains Proclamations, Legal and Government notices required by Provincial Statute or regulation to be published in the Manitoba Gazette. Part II contains Manitoba Regulations which are required to be published under The Regulations Act. " [quote from website 040311]

Manitoba Statutes

Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba

Queen's Printer - Statutory Publications
Welcome to the Queen's Printer Statutory Publications Web site, offering Manitobans access to the province's laws and regulations. Once available only to subscribers, access to current statutes is now free of charge. Regulations are available for the first time.

This online service makes laws and regulations accessible for reference, research and private use. Official versions in print form are available for purchase from the Office of the Queen's Printer. They can also be viewed in The Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba in the Legislative Library or any public library.

On this Web site, you can find information in a format not available elsewhere. Information can be accessed in both French and English. Laws, or statutes, appear in HTML format, and are easy to navigate and search. Regulations are in PDF. [quote fr. web site 040311]

On line full text cases of Manitoba Courts

A selection of Manitoba Court of Appeal, Provincial court and Court of Queen's Bench are availabe in "full text" at the Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII) web site

Manitoba Courts

" The goal of this web site is to provide you with information about Manitoba's court system. It is also designed to assist members of the community, legal professionals, self-represented persons, and the media in accessing particular court information." [quote fr. website 2006.03.30]

The above official introduction to the Manitoba Court System is an excellent reference source for topics including:  You & the CourtsAbout the CourtsRules and ProceduresAnnouncements |

  • You and the Courts
    • Attending Court Proceedings and Access to Court Record Information
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Court Fees
    • Definitions:  Understanding Legal Words
    • Small Claims
    • Serving as a Juror
    • Aboriginal Court Work Program
    • Judicial Complaint Process
      go to for more information.
  • About the Courts
    • Court of Appeal
    • Court of Queen's Bench "The Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba is the highest trial court for the province, hearing civil, family and criminal cases (both jury and non-jury cases). Information about the Court of Queen's Bench and its judges is provided... [at link above]
    • Provincial Court
    • Court Locations
    • History
      go to for more information.
  • Rules and Procedures
    • Statutes and Rules of the Court
    • Court of Queen's Bench Forms
    • CPP Credit Splitting Information
      [new in 2006]
    • Family Proceedings - Rule 70
    • Judgments and Court Transcripts
    • Notices and Practice Directions
    • Accessing Case Information from the Court Registry System
      go to for more information.
  • Announcements - Services [as of 2006.03]
    • Child Support Recalculation Service
    • Provincial Court Notice - Resolution/Focus Hearings
    • Domestic Violence
    • Front-End Pilot Project
    • Inquest Reports
    • Media - Who to Contact
      go to for more information.

Manitoba Human Rights commission

full text of selected recent decisions, publications and statistics of this commisions work at

Historic Court House in Winnipeg Manitoba, building photo courtesy of Janie Duncan Private Investigation Services, CLICK FOR  MORE INFO

Web site Disclaimer

This site was developed by a group of people who have served as "expert witnesses" and information consultants for law firms in litigation involving personal injury cases, labor law, wills variation and breach of trust cases as well as class action suits.

It is our hope that you will find this site useful in your decision making as to consulting or selecting a lawyer or law firm for your needs.

This site is not endorsed by web sites to which it provides links to, unless otherwise noted, where a particular lawyer has volunteered to become a content contributor.


Law Phone-In and Lawyer Referral Services

Funded by the Law Society of Manitoba and The Manitoba Law Foundation, the Law Phone-In and Lawyer Referral Service provides general legal information over the phone in response to caller's inquiries.  Callers are also referred to appropriate law-related agencies where such an agency exists and the situation warrants it.

Where the caller requires legal advice and would like to be referred to a lawyer, a referral can be made from a list of about 150 lawyers who have chosen to register with the service.

Lawyers and callers can be matched on the basis of geographical area, language, whether or not the lawyer offers "shut-in" services, whether or not the lawyer has agreed to accept clients who qualify for Legal Aid, and whether or not the lawyer takes contingency cases.

The office hours for the service are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. [quote fr. website 040312]

Manitoba Legal Aid

Legal Aid Manitoba | L'Aide Juridique de Manitoba

  • Legal Aid Manitoba web site.  The following information is directly quoted from the introduction to this services web site

    Legal Aid Manitoba exists to help people - individuals and groups - who need a lawyer but who cannot afford to pay for one.

    There are three main types of Legal Aid services.

    1. Drop-in advice and information - Members of the public may meet with a lawyer or supervised paralegal to discuss any legal problem. No application is needed for this type of service - everyone qualifies.
    2. Formal representation - Legal Aid Manitoba pays for or helps to pay for a lawyer: (a) for a family law case;
      (b) for a person charged with a criminal offence;
      (c) for poverty law or some other cases, or
      (d) to represent groups in cases of public interest.

      For this kind of service individuals must complete an application and be found eligible. In some cases, Legal Aid will provide this service through full service duty counsel.
    3. Duty counsel - Lawyers are present in many criminal and youth and some child welfare courts to help and advise anyone who has to appear before a judge. An application is not needed for this type of service - everyone qualifies. (See the section on Duty Counsel).

    [quote from web site 040311 empahsis added - visit for more information]

  • "Please note that Legal Aid Manitoba cannot and will not provide legal advice, information, or referrals to lawyers over the internet. For more information, please contact your local Legal Aid office."

The Law Society of Manitoba

Law Society Public Information Area e.g. for reporting concerns/complaints about your lawyer

Law Society home page

219 Kennedy Street
Winnipeg MB R3C 1S8
Phone (204) 942-5571

Other Government Services of Interest

  • Provincial Nominee Information
  • Tourism Information - Quick Facts about Manitoba
    Phone: 1-800-665-0040
  • Vital Statistics - Life event certificates
    Phone: (204) 945-3701
    Toll Free: 1-800-282-8069 ext. 3701
    Fax: (204) 948-3128
  • Electronic Information to obtain a Birth Certificate: (204) 945-7762
  • Employment Standards
    Phone: Outside of Winnipeg 1-800-821-4307
    Inside Winnipeg 945-3352


David Matas, Canada Immigration / Human Rights Lawyer, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Below is reference to a paper presented when he was "... a vice-president of the Canadian section of the International Commission of Jurists. This paper was presented while Mr. Matas was moderator for a panel on 'War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, Genocide' at the international conference Hate, Genocide and Human Rights Fifty Years Later: What Have We Learned? What Must We Do? (Faculty of Law, McGill University, 28 January 1999)."

  • ABSTRACT of article referenced to below, available in full text or pdf versions, online.
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Fifty Years Later PDF format - download from website of © McGill Law Journal 2000  Revue de droit de McGill 2000   To be cited as: (2000) 46 McGill L.J. 203   Mode de reference : (2000) 46 R.D. McGill 203 [reference quoted 2004/07/17 from website]
  • 2001 - American Civil Liberties Union library archives
    International Human Rights Law in Canada, by David Matas

Canadian Lawyers - Exemplars of Practice Profiles

Bruce W. Lemer, barrister & solicitor, Vancouver, BC

Bruce Lemer was called to the bar in 1982.

He was plaintiff's co-counsel in Endean vs. Canadian Red Cross and others, ... a class action on behalf of individuals infected with hepatitis C through blood transfusions, which resulted in the largest class action settlement in Canadian history.

He has extensive experience in complex litigation, having acted for numerous individuals in products liability and professional negligence claims against governments, blood products manufacturers and the Canadian Red Cross for infection with HIV and hepatitis C through blood transfusions and blood products.

He has successfully represented plaintiffs in negligence claims against stockbrokers and brokerage firms, physicians and highway maintenance bodies (for accidents caused by inadequate winter maintenance procedures).

He has appeared on numerous occasions in the British Columbia Supreme Court, the BC Court of Appeal, and courts in Alberta and Ontario.

In 2003-2004 he is plaintiffs' counsel in:

  • a proposed class action against brokerage firms with respect to allegedly improper charges made to clients for currency exchange transactions;
  • a proposed class action against a drug manufacturer with respect to allegedly inappropriate actions taken to raise the price of a drug;
  • a proposed class action against a individuals and a financial institution for involvement in an alleged scheme to defraud hundreds of investors in real estate developments.

Mr. Lemer has also successfully represented plaintiffs and defendants in a wide range of personal injury cases, including those dealing with quadriplegia, brain injuries, serious orthopedic injuries and death claims.

Publications and Articles by Mr. Lemer include:

  • He is the yearly update author of the chapter on I.C.B.C. (Insurance Corp. of BC) no-fault benefits in the Motor Vehicle Claims Manual ( a publication of the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC, 1999-2003 )
  • Strict Products Liability:  The problem of improperly designed products ( Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 1982 )
  • Dealing With Claimants and Insureds ( in Insurance Law, CLE, 1989 )
  • Practice Points for a Personal Injury Discovery ( in Personal Injury Trials: Techniques and Tactics, CLE, 1989 )
  • Pollution Coverage Under C.G.L. and Automobile Policies ( in Pollution and Contamination Insurance Claims, CLE, 1990 )

540 - 220 Cambie St.
Vancouver, BC
Phone:  604.642.6363


See also:
See also:
See also: profile:   BC Class Actions Lawyers


Other lawyers & law firms involved with the Hepititis-C Class Action in Canada included

Allan Botan (Winnipeg Office)
Botan Law Office
56 Baird Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3P 2N4
Telephone:  (204) 940-1290
FAX: (204) 940-1292

  • [Please note you should verify FAX numbers before sending confidential information]


Alberta Hepatitis C Claims Lawyers

Allan Botan (Edmonton Office)
700 - 10020 -101A Ave. NW
Phipps McKinnon Building
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 3G2
Telephone:  (780) 428-4040 (office)


SEE ALSO November 2004 Update on Hepititis C January 01, 1986 to July 01, 1990 Class Actions Settlement

SEE ALSO Hepatitis C Society of Canada web site for general info.

SEE ALSO Hepatitis C Society Compensation Section re Manitoba residents

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