Kelowna | Vernon BC Lawyers Specialty Directory
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| Personal Injury including I.C.B.C. Claims Disputes | Criminal Defense | Family Law Practice |
see also map of Okanagan Region, cities, parks and golf courses
CULOS, Robert M.
Barrister & Solicitor
- Corporate Law
- Estate Admininstration
- Estate Planning
- Real Estate
Culos & Co. Law Corp.
3006 32nd Avenue
Vernon, BC
V1T 2L7
Telephone: (250) 549-7168
Richard P. Barton
Jeffrey C. Boschert
Steven Dvorak
Andrea Girardin
W. Jay Hack
Ian Hawes
Kerri M. Kenward
Chelsea Kidd
Brett H. Kirkpatrick
Brett A. Squair
Jake Van Allen
Kelsey Wheelhouse
Areas of Law include:
- Builders liens and construction disputes
- Car accident and injury claims
- Corporate, commercial and business law
- Debt collection and enforcement
- Employment law and wrongful dismissal
- Estate litigation
- Estate planning: wills, powers of attorney, representation agreements
- Family law, divorce and mediation
- Litigation and dispute resolution
- Leal estate: conveyancing and mortgages
- Subdivisions and property development
Davidson Lawyers LLP
(office is in Downtown Vernon at Justice Park Place)
3009 - 28 Street,
Vernon, B.C.
V1T 4Z7
Phone: 250-542-1177
Phone: 1-800-667-1939
Web site:
- Danyliu, Paul G.
Experienced Okanagan Trial Lawyer - Criminal Law
Barrister & Solicitor · Family Law Mediator
-"Family Lawyer in Okanagan Valley and Vernon" with
over 25 years experience
Coldstream Family Law Office
Member of Okanagan Collaborative Family Law Group
9 - 13341 Kidston Rd.
Coldstream, British Columbia V1B 1Z4
Telephone: (250) 545-1617
(listing updated fr. web 2021.02.24)
Lawyer, Notary
"He specializes in wills, estate planning, uncontested family,
uncontested divorce, separation agreements, prenups and and
small business, corporate and commercial law." (quote fr. website 2021.02.23)
North Valley Law, formerly known as Leonard H. Marriott Law Corp.
We are a small law firm located in the Okanagan Valley of BC.
Serving Vernon, Enderby, and the North Okanagan/Shuswap
**All will consultations are complimentary**
Multilingual team:
Wir sprechen Deutsch
We speak German
Wij spreken Nederlands
We speak Dutch
Nós falamos Portugués
We speak Portuguese
North Valley Law
#1, 4205 27th Street
Vernon, BC
Canada V1T 4Y3
Phone: (250) 260-4273
Web site:
(above info quote fr. website 2021.02.23)
MARRIOTT, Leonard H.
[below info quote from profile at 2021.02.27]
"Leonard brings a rich background to his practice with a lifetime of experience in the agri-food industry and agriculture.
You may know him locally as the founder of the award winning cheese company, Terrior Cheese. ...
He specializes in:
- wills,
- estate planning,
- probating/administering estates,
- elder law,
- uncontested divorces,
- real estate, and
- small business,
- corporate and commercial law."
Multilingual team:
Wir sprechen Deutsch
We speak German
Wij spreken Nederlands
We speak Dutch
Nós falamos Portugués
We speak Portuguese
North Valley Law, formerly known as Leonard H. Marriott Law Corp.
We are a small law firm located in the Okanagan Valley of BC.
Serving Vernon, Enderby, and the North Okanagan/Shuswap
**All will consultations are complimentary**
North Valley Law
#1, 4205 27th Street
Vernon, BC
Canada V1T 4Y3
Phone: (250) 260-4273
Web site:
#1, 4205 27th Street
Vernon, BC
Canada V1T 4Y3
Phone: (250) 260-4273
Web site:
(above info quote fr. website 2021.02.27)
We at suggest you interview several law firms in advance of making a choice -- it can be a very expensive decision in both time, money and of course consequences.
Looking for an experienced Family Lawyer in Kelowna? Consider Susan Andrew
Web site Disclaimer
This site lists lawyers with areas of practice including Canada Citizenship and Immigration / Refugee Law -
we advise you to verify if the lawyer is still maintaining their membership with the Law Society of BC by going to as lawyers move or change areas of specialization over time.
The intent of this web-site is to provide "starting points" for people looking for sources of legal information and specialists. Information on this web site is not to be seen as legal advice -- for that you directly consult a lawyer.
This site is not endorsed by web sites to which it provides links to, unless otherwise noted, where a particular
lawyer has volunteered to become a content contributor.
Photo of Vernon Court House from Robert Clarke, former personal injury lawyer
Photo of Ottawa's Parliament Buildings from Adrienne S. Chan, Ph.D, a Vancouver based consultant in diversity/ anti-racism/ multiculturalism training, research, organizational development, program development and review.
Dr. Chan is also on the faculty of the Fraser Valley Univesity College in Abbotsford in the Department of Social Work.
Errors or Ommissions
If any lawyer-firm notes that we have made an error or omission in our mention of them on this web site, please send us email with the appropriate information.
Twenty Questions to Ask - Before You Hire a Lawyer
An excellent Checklist for someone to use in selecting a lawyer, has been prepared by the publishers of You will find these guidelines useful for many types of lawyers.
| Criminal Defense Law | Family Law | Arbritrators-Mediators | Personal Injury / ICBC MVA Disputes |
Contract-Commercial Litigation Law |
LEGAL AID Information from The Legal Services Society (LSS) of B.C.
L.S.S.S. website:
Vancouver, B.C. Multilingual Immigration Lawyers
Cori L. McGuire,
BA, Dip. Crim., MA LLB
Collaborative Family Lawyer, Mediator -
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary,
Family law is both my passion and my purpose; I put my heart and soul into my work. My clients receive clearly explained legal information, advice and options to settle their family law conflicts with as little cost and stress for them as possible. My clients also benefit from my heart-centered practice style discussed under Practice Style.
Web site:
CLICK FOR MORE INFO about Cori McGuire
Family Law: divorce, custody/access, child/spousal support, property division, agreements, litigation
#902 - 1708 Dolphin Avenue
Kelowna, BC V1Y 9S4
Phone: (250) 762-7100
Web site:
Ronald J. Smith, QC
Experienced Arbritrator · Mediator · and Family Law Practioner. He has conducted hundreds of mediations in most areas of law since 1985
Ron Smith & Glenda Peacock Barristers & Solicitors
Ron Smith
Landmark 6, 11th Floor
1631 Dickson Ave
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 0B5
phone: 778-484-8168
Civil Litigation Personal Injury Trial Lawyer
fees paid from settlement monies or damages award in personal injury matters
· accident & injury law
· major trauma
· wrongful death
· ICBC claims
· contract & commercial disputes
· wrongful dismissal / employment law
Einfeld Lamarre
200 - 1455 Ellis Street
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 2A3
Phone: 250 712-0001
Web site:
- M. Gail Miller & Co. , Lawyer
Preferred area of practice: Family Law - 30 years experience.
"We practice family law exclusively"
Divorce & Family Law
- separation agreements
- divorce & division of assets
- spousal & child support
#904 - 1708 Dolphin Ave.
Kelowna BC V1Y 9S4
Telephone: (250) 763-6767
NEWCOMBE, Michael A.
Newcombe and Company Practice Areas:
- Family Law – Divorce, custody, guardianship and access issues, child and spousal support and property division
- Criminal Defence
- Wills and Estates
- Conveyancing
101 - 347 Leon Avenue
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 8C7
Phone: 250 861-8911
Arsenault, Theresa M., Lawyer
Pushor Mitchell
3rd Flr. 1665 Ellis St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3
Telephone: 1-800-558-1155
Baron, Mark W., Lawyer
Pushor Mitchell
3rd Flr. 1665 Ellis St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3
Telephone: 1-800-558-1155
Email / web site:
CHURCHILL, Bev , Collaborative Lawyer & Family Law Mediator
210 - 347 Leon Avenue,
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 8C7
Phone: 250-763-7333 or 250-769-7787
Email / Web Site:
Daley, Dennis J., Lawyer
311-1664 Richter St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 8N3
Telephone: 1-888-253-9952
Email / Web site:
- Elliott, Allan R., Lawyer
Pushor Mitchell
3rd Flr. 1665 Ellis St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3
Telephone: (250) 762-2108
Email / Web site:
Hannah, John M., Lawyer
Berge Horn
215 Lawrence Avenue - 2nd Floor
Kelowna, BC V1Y 6L2
Telephone: 250 762-4222
Email / web site:
Heinrichs, Cathie M., Lawyer
#210 - 347 Leon Avenue
Kelowna, BC V1Y 8C7
Telephone: 250 868-9454
Herperger, Robert J., Lawyer
Berge & Company
2nd Flr. 215 Lawrence Ave.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 6L2
Telephone: (250) 762-4222
Email / Web site:
Kempf, Alfred C., Lawyer
Pushor Mitchell
3rd Flr. 1665 Ellis St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3
Telephone: 1-800-558-1155
Email / Website:
Kimmitt, Randolph Patrick, Lawyer
Kimmitt & Company
202-1433 St. Paul St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2E4
Telephone: (250) 763-6441
Email / Web site:
Kingston, Kevin P., Lawyer
Bailey Morrison & Kingston
902-1708 Dolphin Ave.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 9S4
Telephone: (250) 979-4444
Email / web site:
- Lamarre, Jennifer, JD
moved to Alberta
Lombard, Cindy J, Lawyer
Cindy J. Lombard Law Corporation
4605 Darin Place
Kelowna, BC V1W 4S2
Telephone: 250 764-9107
Email / web site:
Cori L. McGuire, BA, Dip. Crim., MA LLB,
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Collaborative Family Lawyer, Mediator
Family law is both my passion and my purpose; I put my heart and soul into my work. My clients receive clearly explained legal information, advice and options to settle their family law conflicts with as little cost and stress for them as possible. My clients also benefit from my heart-centered practice style discussed under Practice Style.
Since January 1999, I have been a sole practitioner in family law. I continually upgrade my education and I have acted for several years as co-chair of the family law subsection, providing a forum for education to other family lawyers throughout the Okanagan. I have twice represented BC family lawyers at the National Family Section level. My commitment to family law calls me to assist economically disadvantaged legal aid clients and I am part of the Duty Counsel program, giving limited free advice at the courthouse. My ability to appreciate the challenges my clients face comes from having had rich life experience as a wife, mother, stepmother, and through my own divorce.
Cori L. McGuire
1007 Skeena Drive,
Kelowna BC V1V 2K7
Telephone: (250)717-0926
Metherell, Joni D., Lawyer
Pushor Mitchell
3rd Flr. 1665 Ellis St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3
Telephone: 1-800-558-1155
Email / web site:
Mitchell, Paul L., Lawyer
Pushor Mitchell
3rd Flr. 1665 Ellis St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3
Telephone: 1-800-558-1155
Email / web site:
Montgomery, Richard H., Lawyer
Pushor Mitchell
3rd Flr. 1665 Ellis St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3
Telephone: 1-800-558-1155
Peacock, Glenda A., Lawyer
Smith Peacock
Smith Peacock
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 6N6The Courtyard
#201-1180 Sunset Drive
Kelowna, BC
Telephone: 250.860.7868
web site:
Petraroia, Dominic A., Lawyer
Thiessen Petraroia & Langford
804-1708 Dolphin Ave.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 9S4
Telephone: (250) 861-5323
Email / website:
Purvin-Good, K. W., Lawyer
Purvin-Good & Company
PO Box 694 Stn. Postal Box Ctr.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 7P4
Telephone: (250) 762-5599
Pushor, Richard J., Lawyer
Pushor Mitchell
3rd Flr. 1665 Ellis St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3
Telephone: 1-800-558-1155
Email / web site:>
Sabey, Kenneth W., Lawyer
Sabey Rule LLP
Glenmore Place
#201 - 401 Glenmore Road
Kelowna, BC
V1V 1Z6
Phone: 250 762-6111
Website / Email: tbc
(updated 11.11.30)
Shaw, Meg E., Lawyer
McAfee, Hattori & Shaw
540 Cawston Ave.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 6Z2
Telephone: (250) 762-2252
Email / web site:
Smith, Ronald J., BA LLB QC, Lawyer
Experienced Arbritrator · Mediator · and Family Law Practioner
Smith Peacock
1615 Bertram St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2G5
Telephone: (250) 860-7868, 1-888- 757-6484
web site:
Williams, Clay B., Lawyer
Berge & Company
2nd Flr. 215 Lawrence Ave.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 6L2
Telephone: (250) 762-4222
Wyatt, Lisa Holmes, Lawyer
Pushor Mitchell
3rd Flr, 1665 Ellis St.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3
Young, Barbara M., Lawyer
Kendall, Penty & Company
101-200 Dougall Rd. N. PO Box 2130, Stn. Rutland
Kelowna, British Columbia V1X 4K5
Telephone: (250) 765-9733
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Looking for a Victoria realtor who speaks English / Chinese Cantonese / Ciu Chow / Chinese Mandarin
consider MLS award winning realtor Lucy Richardson, with Re/Max Camosun
see her web site at or
see the Victoria Real Estate area of
This page is in part sponsored by Lowe & Company as a public service for people looking for immigration lawyers and services in the Vancouver and South Western BC area.
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