Canada Intellectual Property / Copyright Law Information · Government & other web links
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Canada Copyright Act. R.S., 1985, c. C-42
See online copy of the Copyright Act at the Department of Justice Canada / Ministère de la Justice Canada website
CIPO's Canadian Patent Database. This database lets you access over 75 years of patent descriptions and images. You can search, retrieve and study more than 1,900,000 patent documents.
For the last updated information of the database, see the Currency of information page.
For the last updated information on the site status, see the Service and Website Interruption page.
Studying Intellectual Property Law & International Comparisons
Apotex Inc. v. Wellcome Foundation Ltd., [2002] 4 S.C.R. 153, 2002 SCC 77
Apotex Inc. and Novopharm Ltd. Appellants
Wellcome Foundation Limited, Glaxo Wellcome Inc., [and] Interpharm Inc. and Allen Barry Shechtman Respondents
Indexed as: Apotex Inc. v. Wellcome Foundation Ltd.
Neutral citation: 2002 SCC 77.
File No.: 28287.
2002: February 14; 2002: December 5.
Present: McLachlin C.J. and LHeureux-Dubé, Gonthier, Iacobucci, Major, Bastarache, Binnie, Arbour and LeBel JJ.
on appeal from the federal court of appeal
Patents - Validity - Standard of review - Appropriate standard of review of patent issues of mixed fact and law.
Patents - Validity - Biotechnology - New use for old compound - Statutory requirement for invention - Utility - Doctrine of sound prediction - Patent holder identifying new use for compound in treatment and prophylaxis of AIDS - Whether patent valid - Whether doctrine of sound prediction applies - Patent Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. P-4, ss. 2 invention , 27, 34(1).
Patents - Validity - Covetous claiming - Patent holder claiming prophylactic as well as treatment properties for AZT - Whether claim exceeds disclosure.
Patents - Inventorship - Inventors and verifiers - Patent holder identifying new use for compound in treatment and prophylaxis of AIDS - Whether verifiers who performed critical testing co-inventors - Whether omission to name them wilfully made for the purpose of misleading - Patent Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. P-4, s. 53(1).
Held: The appeals should be dismissed.
Summer 2006 - 6 week program & symposia - sponsored by UVIC Faculty of Law, Canada and Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre (at St. Peter's College UK) and University of Illinois College of Law (Champaign, Illinois 61820 USA)
" Intellectual Property law and policy have evolved from a relatively narrow specialization into one of substantial commercial, social and legal significance and are now among the fastest growing areas of legal practice and international relations. This phenomenon reflects the fact that much of the wealth of todays societies is found in the intangible commodities of innovation, knowledge, information and business reputation.
This program was developed in response to increasing global activity in the areas of international and comparative IP law. The international partnering of universities and specialist IP practitioners provides the only fully comprehensive examination of the global and comparative dimensions of IP law and policy, including the developing recognition of traditional knowledge and cultural interests." [as quoted from 2006.05.24
Toronto | Vancouver | Victoria | Ottawa |
Branding & Trade-Marks Handbook
for Charitable & Not-For-Profit Organizations
(Butterworths, 2006)
by Intellectual Property Lawyers & Trade Mark Agents
Terrence Carter LLB &
U. Shen Goh, LLB LLM
Butterworths Catalog & Online Bookstore
Carter's Professional [Law] Corporation
Mississauga Office / Greater Toronto Area GTA Office
2 Robert Speck Parkway
Suite 750
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
L4Z 1H8
Telephone: (416) 675-3766
Toll Free: 1-877-942-0001
Downtown Toronto Meeting Location
(by appointment only) Tel: (416) 675-3766
· · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
BLAKE, CASSELS & GRAYDON LLPBlakes Intellectual Property (IP) Group gives advice on the development, exploitation and enforcement of all forms of intellectual property. Its activities extend from traditional intellectual property practice involving the acquisition, transfer and litigation of patent, trade-mark, copyright and industrial design rights through more recent forms of intellectual property, like personality, chip topography, biotechnology and plant breeders' rights, to areas of rapidly increasing importance, including advertising and marketing, food and drug and medical device regulation, entertainment, publishing, computer contracting, merchandising, franchising and intellectual property-related corporate transactions. [quote as seen on website 2006.05.31
Patents, Trade-marks and Copyright, and Industrial Design Applications: Toronto · Markham · Vancouver · Calgary · Edmonton · · London · Montreal
see more info on Miller Thompson's Intellectual Property Legal Services: French language services
Sorèl Leinburd, BA LLB
Kerr Redekop Leinburd Boswell
Vancouver Intellectual Property / Technology Business Law / Registered Trademark Agent
Bruce Redekop, BA JD
business ventures lawyer and registered trademark agent
Bennett Lee, BA LLP
Vancouver Trade Mark and Intellectual Property Lawyer
Jennifer A. Lee
Vancouver & BC, Registered Patents & Trademark Agent
Alexandra Celine Wong, LLB LLM MBA, Technology & Business Lawyer, serving Vancouver, Canada · Singapore · New York, USA
Sorèl Leinburd LLB, barrister & solicitor
Kerr Redekop Leinburd & Boswell
#410 - 1333 W. Broadway,
Vancouver, BC, V6H 4C1
phone: 604.734.4554
email: Sorel Leinburd
web: lawyers-bc Leinberg profile
Sorèl is a principal with the firm of Kerr Redekop Leinburd Boswell. His practice focuses on information technology ("IT"), intellectual property ("IP"), and in corporate & commercial law.
Sorèl's IT experience includes computer software development agreements, technology licensing, a range of internet and e-commerce agreements, distribution and representative agreements, confidentiality agreements, employment and consulting agreements. His IP experience covers trademarks, trade secrets and copyright matters.
On the incorporate and commercial side, Sorèl's experience includes company formation, shareholders and partnership agreements, sales and acquisitions of businesses, financing, commercial leasing, incorporate restructuring transactions, and a broad range of business contracts.
Sorèl's clients include small and medium-size businesses and entrepreneurs at all stages of development including start-ups and growth companies. Representative clients and their scope of activities include software and hardware development, technology development & manufacturing, technology marketing, food, clothing & product manufacturing, commercial real estate holding companies, and professionals including medical doctors, dentists, architects and lawyers. Sorèl is also regularly engaged by other lawyers to provide professional services to their clients.
Sorèl Leinburd, IP Law
Kerr Redekop Leinburd & Boswell
#410 - 1333 W. Broadway,
Vancouver, BC, V6H 4C1
phone: 604.734.4554
email: Sorel Leinburd
Bruce Redekop, BA JD
Registered Trademark Agent
Bruce has over 30 years experience in business law, having guided companies at all phases, from start-up, growth and development, mergers, acquisitions, and sale or asset disposition. Bruce is an experienced businessman and has operated product development companies and participated in a number of business ventures with entrepreneurs. His approach is down to earth, creative and results oriented. Bruce enjoys working with professionals to achieve maximum value for clients. His experience as a Trademark agent is useful for clients developing their portfolio of intellectual property for producs, services and marketing.
Bruce Redekop
Kerr Redekop Leinburd & Boswell
#410 - 1333 W. Broadway,
Vancouver, BC, V6H 4C1
phone: 604.734.4554
International Business and Technology Lawyer
Vancouver & New York Associate Offices
Licensed to Practice Law in BC, Canada and New York State, USA
Alexandra Wong Law Office
Metro Vancouver, BC
Telephone: 604-628-2317
Click for more information at Celine Alexandra Wong lawyers profile at
see also New York, Attorney-at-law Profile for Alexandra at
Rosensteel Law LLC
Legal Services for the High-Tech, High-Paced, Global Marketplace"is a full-service law firm specializing in servicing technology oriented companies and individuals.
Rosensteel law firm practices in the following areas of law:.
- Technology Law,
- Computer Law,
- Intellectual Property Law,
- General Corporate Law,
- Business Law, Tax Law,
- International Law,
- Real Estate,
- Commercial Arbitration,
- Commercial Litigation,
- Mergers and Acquisitions,
- Funding and Banking Transactions,
- Emerging Technologies,
The firm advises clients in North America and worldwide, including Europe, Asia and South America. [quotes fr. website 2005.07.01-2009.08.13]
40 Wall Street,
33rd Floor
New York, NY 10005-1302
Tel: (212)808-8300
Lorenzo is a member of his firms Intellectual Property and Information Technology legal services and business consulting team.
Lorenzo has experience in numerous areas of Civil Litigation, with a focus on ICBC claims, medical malpractice, construction, banking, employment and corporate securities litigation.
Along with endless trial experience, Lorenzo brings to his practice vast personal experience from having lived in numerous countries - and is fluent in Italian, Spanish and has a good working knowledge of French.
Lorenzo G. Oss-Cech Barrister & Solicitor
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt
#1 - 505 Fisgard St.
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
Douglas B. Thompson, QC
Thompson Cooper LLP.
Practice Restricted to Patents, Trade Marks and Designs - Canadian, US & Foreign Filings
Phone: (250) 475-6305
Thompson Cooper LLP
Stephen Burri, BSc. LLB
Registerd Patents Agent, Registered Trade Marks Agent
Stephen Burri
43 Machleary Street
Nanaimo, BC
V9R 2G3
Tel: 250.755.9110
See online copy of the Copyright Act at the Department of Justice Canada / Ministère de la Justice Canada website
Table of Contents
Copyright Act (R.S., 1985, c. C-42) Full Document for Printing:
HTML (436Kb) []
PDF (664Kb) []
Act current to January 21st, 2010
Attention:7nbsp; See coming into force provision and notes, where applicable.
This page is in part sponsored by Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt IP-IT Lawyers as a public service for people looking for Intellectual Property & Technology Law lawyers in Victoria, BC specifically and Vancouver Island more generally.
Web site Disclaimer
This site lists lawyers with areas of practice including Intellectual Property Law we advise you to verify if the lawyer is still maintaining their membership with the Law Society/Societies of Province(s) they practice in - as lawyers move and/or change areas of specialization over time.
The intent of this web-site is to provide "starting points" for people looking for sources of legal information and specialists. Information on this web site is not to be seen as legal advice -- for that you directly consult a lawyer.
This site is not endorsed by web sites to which it provides links to, unless otherwise noted, where a particular lawyer has volunteered to become a content contributor.
Photo of Ottawa's Parliament Buildings from Adrienne S. Chan, Ph.D, a Vancouver based
consultant in diversity/ anti-racism/ multiculturalism
training, research, organizational development, program development and review.
Errors or Omissions
If any lawyer-firm notes that we have made an error or omission in our mention of them on this web site, please send us email with the appropriate information.
What services are provided by Intellectual Property / Technology Transaction / Computer-Software Development Lawyers?
Services from one of western Canada's leading IP-Tech law firms include:
[Quoted with permission 06.06.20 fr. Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt, Victoria, BC Barristers & Solicitors]
... We are there for you every step of the way from acquiring/developing new technology to the marketing/sale of it.
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt - offers a vast array of intellectual property and technology services such as:
- Advising you on strategies and techniques for protecting, managing and selling your intellectual property, whether it is a computer system, a technology-based product or a technology business;
- Revising your employment and contract agreements to ensure the intellectual property your staff creates belongs to you;
- Conducting due diligence with respect to risk assessments of your intellectual property;
- Providing legal opinions on infringement of third party intellectual property;
- Negotiating, drafting and rendering legal opinions on license agreement of all forms of intellectual property;
- Preparing technology-related agreements including acquisition, software development and technology transfer agreements as well as E-commerce, Web site development and hosting agreements;
- Preparing intellectual property-related commercial contracts including supply & distribution of technology agreements and maintenance & support of software/hardware agreements;
- Adapting agreements to reflect your needs such as joint ventures, other partnering arrangements and contracts structuring research collaborations, strategic alliances or partnerships to promote new technologies;
- Dealing with abuse of confidential information and trade secrets as well as domain name registration and Internet dispute matters; and
- Enforcing your intellectual property rights whether it is a license agreement, a franchise relationship or another arrangement involving the commercialization of your intellectual property and technology assets.
- We advise on copyright protection which includes the clearance, acquisition and registration of copyright. We provide advice on a wide range of subject matters such as software, literature, photography, video, film, telecommunication and the Internet. We assist you in solving disputes regarding ownership of material that is created by various parties.
- We also advise on trademark protection which includes preparation, filing, renewal, and prosecution of trademark applications in Canada and internationally. We provide assistance in selecting trademarks and protect your trademark against third party infringement, cyber-squatting, false advertising or personality rights actions. We can also help you in retaining an agent in Ottawa and we can liaise with this agent on your behalf to facilitate a comprehensive team of professionals orchestrated out of one office, answering to your instructions.
IP - Technology Law Services
James Hutchison
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt
#1 - 505 Fisgard Street,
Victoria B.C. V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Toll Free Phone: 1-866-887-4878
JAMES S. HUTCHISON, LL.B. Preferred Areas of Practice: Corporate-Commercial Law, Finance and Intellectual Property Lawyer.
"James practices primarily in the area of corporate commercial and real property law and has a diverse client base among Victorias businesses. Arising out of interest and his clients needs, James has also gained considerable knowledge in the areas of wealth management and estate planning." [fr. UVIC faculty of law Sessional, Visiting, Adjunct, Emeritus and Honorary Faculty bios 2006.06.29
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt,
Barristers & Solicitors
#1 - 505 Fisgard Street,
Victoria B.C. V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
Lawyers-BC Profile: James Hutchison
· · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Terrance S. Carter B.A., LL.B., Trade-mark Agent
Practice Areas: Charity and Not-for-Profit Law, Fundraising, Gift Planning, International Strategic Planning, Intellectual Property, and Charity Tax and Trusts
Terrance Carter, as the Managing Partner of Carters, practices in the area of charity and not-for-profit law. Lexpert has recognized Mr. Carter as one of the leading experts in the area of charity and not-for-profit law in Canada. Mr. Carter is also a registered Trade-mark Agent and acts as legal counsel to the Toronto office of the national law firm Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP on charitable matters.
Mr. Carter is a member of Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) Charity Advisory Committee, and the Technical Issues Committee of CRA's Charities Directorate representing the Canadian Bar Association (CBA), a past member of the Uniform Law Conference of Canada Task Force on Uniform Fundraising Legislation, Past Chair of the Charity and Not-for-Profit Law Sections of both the CBA and Ontario Bar Association (OBA), a member of the Government Relations Committee of the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP), a past director and founding member of the Christian Legal Fellowship and was the 2002 recipient of the AMS - John Hodgson Award of the OBA. He is also a member of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, and the American Bar Association Tax Exempt Section, and has participated in consultations with the Public Guardian and Trustee of Ontario, the Charities Directorate of CRA, and was a member of the Anti-terrorism Committee of the CBA in its submission to Parliament.
CONTACT: Main Office - Carters Professional Corporation
Terrance S. Carter B.A., LL.B., Trade-mark Agent
211 Broadway
P.O. Box 440
Orangeville, Ontario
L9W 1K4
Telephone: (519) 942-0001 x222
Toll Free: (877) 942-0001
Web Site Profile: en
Intellectual Property & Technology Law for Charities and Not-for-profit Organizations: intellectual property
Mississauga Office / Greater Toronto Area GTA
2 Robert Speck Parkway
Suite 750
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
L4Z 1H8
Telephone: (416) 675-3766
Toll Free: 1-877-942-0001
Toronto Meeting Location
(by appointment only)
Tel: (416) 675-3766
U. Shen Goh LL.B., LL.M., Trade-mark Agent
Legal Practice Areas Include: Intellectual Property, focusing on Trade-marks, Privacy and Information Protection, as well as Human Rights and Employment Litigation.
Ms. Goh's experience prior to joining Carters includes being a Law Lecturer on international trade regulation, legal research & writing, and other fundamental courses in law for Ph.D. students and government officials at the Southwest University of Political Science & Law in China, as well as interning at the City of Toronto, the City of San Diego, and Parkdale Community Legal Services in Toronto.
Ms. Goh is a member of the Privacy, Intellectual Property and Employment Sections of the Ontario Bar Association, and has written articles for The Lawyers Weekly, the Canadian Association eZine, and Carters' Charity Law Bulletin, as well as co-authored Branding & Trade-Marks Handbook for Charitable and Not-For-Profit Organizations (Butterworths, 2006). [link is to Butterworths Catalog & Online Bookstore at LexisNexis
LL.B., Osgoode Hall Law School, 2001
LL.M., University of San Diego School of Law, 2003
Contact Information
U. Shen Goh LL.B., LL.M., Trade-mark Agent · Intellectual Property Lawyer
Carters Professional Corp.
Mississauga Office
2 Robert Speck Parkway
Suite 750
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
L4Z 1H8
Tel: (905) 281-4968
Toll Free: (877) 942-0001
Web site: shengoh.html
Toronto Meeting Location
(by appointment)
Tel: (416) 675-3766
· · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
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Odutola on Canadian Trade-mark Practice
By: Bayo Odutola, Sylvie-Émanuelle Bourbonnais
Canadian Price: $172.00 US Price: $159.26
ISBN/ISSN: 0-459-28417-7
Publication Number: 6974
Product Type: Supplemented book
Number of Volumes: 1 volume looseleaf
Number of Pages: Approximately 500 pages
Binding: 3-Ring Binder
Publication Date: 2005-03-02
Publisher: CARSWELL the Author
Odutola on Canadian Trade-mark Practice [emphasis added], "... a newly published landmark text, is the much needed practitioner's guide to Canadian Trade-mark Office practice and procedure - it is the most comprehensive book on the market today. Written from both a former senior trade-mark examiner's and a practitioner's perspective, it provides a detailed step-by-step guide for filing, prosecuting, renewing and opposing a trade-mark before the Canadian Trade-marks Office (TMO). In addition to incorporating the relevant statutes, case law, practice notices and other source materials, this work explains and offers practical guidance and commentary on key Trade-mark office practice issues. "[above quoted fr. publishers website 2007.01.16
Bayo Odutola, BCL LLB
Odutola Law Chambers
280 Albert Street, Suite 300
Ottawa ON K1P 5G8
Telephone: 613.238.1140
Canadian Patent Act Annotated, Second Edition / ISBN 0-88804-168-3
Editor: Robert H. Barrigar, Q.C.
Publisher:"Canadian Patent Act Annotated, Second Edition is your one-stop source, bringing together commentary and current case law interpreting patent legislation. This includes all of the relevant statutes, regulations and rules you need to provide your client with the best patent advice available. "
Benefit from:
- all relevant legislation, cases and commentary
- in-force proclamation dates that alert you to amended sections that apply to your case
- text and annotations on repealed provisions of the Act which continue to govern patents in force today
- provisions not yet proclaimed in force that help you anticipate statutory change
- English and French text for each provision of the Patent Act allowing for the most reliable interpretation -- and more!
Written by a seasoned intellectual property practitioner, you can depend on reliable guidance through all aspects of Canadian patent law. Canadian Patent Act Annotated, Second Edition provides easy access to a complete and up-to-date analysis of Canadian patent law and practice.
- Looseleaf & Binder(s) - Releases invoiced separately (1-2/yr) - Prior average price per release $174
ISBN 0-88804-168-3
Order the above book with update services online at
Robert H. Barrigar, Q.C., [editor of above mentioned CANADIAN PATENTS ACT GUIDE] of counsel to the firm, has devoted his entire professional life to the practice of intellectual property law. He is the author of an acclaimed current book on Canadian patent law and has participated in all facets of the practice of intellectual property law, including litigation. He has been awarded the Lexpert accolade "most recommended intellectual property counsel in Vancouver".
Bob obtained his Bachelor of Applied Science degree from the University of Toronto in engineering physics (electrical and electronics option) in 1959. He obtained an LL.B. degree from Dalhousie University in 1963 and obtained an LL.M. degree from Harvard Law School in 1964. He held a Sir James Dunn scholarship in law while at Dalhousie University, and a Harvard Law School scholarship while at Harvard. Although not practising as a professional engineer, he was registered as a professional engineer in Ontario many years ago and kept the registration current until 2004.
Bob served as President of the Patent and Trademark Institute of Canada, since renamed as the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC) during 1991-1992, and as a Member of Council of the IPIC from 1985-1993. He also served from 1991-1994 on the International Council of FICPI (International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys) and as President of FICPI Canada (1985-1991). He has also served on the International Financial Advisory Commission of FICPI.
Bob is a Fellow of the Foundation for Legal Research and a former member of the Faculty of Law of the University of British Columbia. He has also served as lecturer at the University of Victoria Law School, having taught the first course on International Intellectual Property Law ever offered by the Law School. He is the author of a number of published papers on patent and trademark law and related matters, as well as his book on Canadian patent law. He a member of the Editorial Board of the Intellectual Property Journal and previously served on the Editorial Committee for the Canadian Intellectual Property Review. He has served on professional organization committees, has participated as a lecturer in a number of continuing education programs, and has served as Canadian delegate to a number of international meetings dealing with intellectual property matters.
His other professional association memberships include the Canadian Bar Association, AIPPI, American Intellectual Property Law Association, and Licensing Executives Society. He was appointed a Queen's Counsel in 1982. One of his special interests has been computers; he has served as a member of the IPIC, AIPPI, FICPI and AIPLA committees on computer software law. Bob has been retained to counsel the Government of Canada and the BC Government from time to time, including advising on intellectual property legislative amendments.
Bob's practice has included his acting as lead counsel in major intellectual property litigation for a number of multinational companies, including Bristol-Myers, Kraft General Foods, Whirlpool, General Mills, Caterpillar, Alcan, Dennison Manufacturing, CIBA-Geigy, RCA, Beecham, and Kimberly-Clark.
N.B. above profile quoted from as Robert Barrigar also serves as counsel to Thomson Cooper LLP.
Thompson Cooper LLP
Suite 201 - 1007 Fort St.
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8V 3K5 (Map)
Phone: 1-250-389-0387
Web: Office of Thomson Cooper LLP.
Toronto -|- Vancouver -|- Victoria -|- Ottawa
2012.10.31 Pro bono Counsel Updates & News
Victoria Technology Law Practice
Jenifer A. Chilcott
B.A., LL.B., LL.M., Associate Counsel
Jenifer is a technology lawyer with extensive international experience gained as in-house counsel for some of the world's foremost high technology companies. Jenifer has particular expertise in the negotiation and drafting of agreements relating to the licensing, sale and protection of intellectual property.
Through her many years of working as in-house counsel for technology companies of all sizes, Jenifer is able to provide her clients with valuable insight into industry best practices relating to the organization of their businesses and the protection of their intellectual property. Jenifer regularly assists technology companies in creating standard agreements and establishing procedures for managing contracts.
Jenifer also spent a number of years living and practicing law in Asia and the South Pacific, and is able to assist clients who wish to expand their business in those regions.
- Member, Law Society of British Columbia
- called 2008- Member, Law Society of Upper Canada
- LL.B. McGill University 1991; called 1993- Member, New York State Bar Association
- LL.M. Cornell University 1994- Member, Canadian Bar Association
Jenifer A. Chilcott
Associate Counsel
Suite 1100 - 1175 Douglas Street
Victoria, BC
Canada V8W 2E1
Phone: 250.405.1987
Web site:
Farris Profile: profile/jenifer-a.-chilcott/
"Doug is a lawyer (Alberta 1976 and B.C. 1979), a Trademark Agent (1979) and a Patent Agent (1988). Since 1988 he has focused exclusively upon Intellectual Property Law, working with inventors, companies that develop new products and corporate lawyers. He has been active in such organizations as the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC), the Licensing Executives Society (LES) and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)." [quote fr. website 2014.07.08]
Doug has worked in the following areas:
- Aviation
- Biotech
- Chemical Compositions
- Computers, Computer Software, Websites, Communications & Multi-Media
- Construction
- Earth Drilling and Well Sites
- Electric Motors & Generators
- Environmental and Alternative Energy
- Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and Plumbing
- Horticulture, Agriculture and Forestry
- Household Items, Clothing and Personal Hygiene Items
- Medical Devices, Mobility Aids, Diagnostic Aids
- Optics and Fibre Optics
- Processing Equipment
- Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Seals & Bearings
- Recreational Activities, Boats and Recreational Vehicles
- Robotics
- Security
- Sensors and Laboratory Equipment
- Signage, Containers, Displays
- Tanks, Boilers, Cooling Towers, Separators
- Tradesmen Tools & Worker Safety
- Ultrasonic Devices
- Utilities
- Vehicles and Heavy Equipment
- Water and Beverage Dispensers, Water Coolers and Water Purification Systems
Thompson Cooper LLP & Barrigar Intellectual Property Law
· Barristers & solicitors
· Patent & Trademark Agents
#201, 1007 Fort Street
Victoria, BC V8V 3K5
Office phone: (250) 389-0387
Web Profile:
Web site:
The information and content on this page is for general information purposes only and not meant to be legal advice on your specific intellectual property situation -- for that you should consult a lawyer directly. [ publisher]
Law Schools Mentioned on this page
IP related Research Institutes :
IPIC member - Toronto and Canada Wide Trade-Mark & Intellectual Property Services from Toronto Area Terrance Carter
Intellectual Property Lawyer, Ms. Shen Goh serving Toronto Region for Carters
"Dil" Gosal, in 2005 became a article-content contributor and criminal law consultant to as a public service for people looking for criminal lawyers and services in the Vancouver-Lower Mainland of BC and adjoining Washington State regions.
See his article on intro. to US Grand Jury system
Visit his web site at for this cross-border Canada-USA criminal defence lawyer.
Alberta Lawyers Directories & Lists